9 Present and future

The planetary mobilization of 1968 ended as suddenly as it had begun. The bewildered authorities of the many countries shaken by the conflicts breathed a sigh of relief hoping that they were part of a past that would never return; In fact it was quite the opposite, because the spirit of the New Age that had led to the awareness that gave rise to such conflicts was scarcely beginning to manifest itself. Very soon became manifest that “something” new had emerged on Earth. The awakened pair of volcanoes constituted a powerful emitter of energies that began to revive other mountains that also possessed an unimaginable strength and ancestral wisdom. In the same way, the vibrations coming from the Mexican chakra contributed to the awakening in very diverse degree of numerous human beings located in all the confines of the planet. The possession of a higher level of consciousness made these beings feel, think and act differently from others. It was no longer the usual purposes of accumulation of power and wealth that moved them, but a new and still unspecified form of spirituality. These people were constituting in all the nations small groups but very active dedicated to the most diverse tasks, from the search of an authentic mysticism and the rescue of old techniques of expansion of conscience, until the creation of ecological communities and of movements in favor of world peace.
Thus, from 1968 it became increasingly evident that the history of mankind branched into two entirely different paths. One was relative to what happened to the human herds, the other was to the incipient groups that tried to recover the sacred sense of the existence.
With regard to the history of the herds, it contains the most terrifying of all accounts. Between the mentioned year and the last of the second millennium of the Christian era an unprecedented destruction of the ecology of the planet has been carried out. Countless plant and animal species have disappeared forever from the face of the Earth. Possessed of total unconsciousness leading to the adoption of behaviors that can only be described as suicidal, human herds have destroyed forests and jungles, depleted nonrenewable resources, dried up groundwater and a growing pollution of land, water. and air. Not only have they endangered the survival of their own species, but they have even begun to become a serious threat to the very health of the planet, thus motivating the possibility of producing defensive reactions that logically would be fatal for the pathogens causing the disease.
Quite another has been the history of those who, in the same period, have struggled tirelessly to reverse the destructive process and transform it into the beginning of a Golden Age for the whole human race. Even though within a historical time vision the years since 1968 are just a few, it can already be appreciated the increase in the level of consciousness of humanity that has been generated since that year.
Thus, for example, the realization that the Earth is a living being -with all the implications deriving from this- has begun to seep into increasingly large populations. This has led to the creation of ecological movements of a very diverse nature, which have demonstrated in practice the possibility of creating communities capable of subsisting and progressing without promoting the destruction of the environment.
Of course, it has been the members of the Inner Circles of Humanity who have performed the most important tasks in this decisive stage of history. The reactivation of the Mexican chakra generated a powerful current of energy that soon began to circulate southwards through the mountain ranges. Upon arriving in Panama, the circulatory flow of energy was prevented from continuing its advance. The cause of the blockade was the cut that had been created at the backbone of the planet (ie, the Andes and in general the whole of the american mountains) the construction of the Panama Canal, inaugurated in 1914. Working tirelessly, a great number of guardians and initiates carried out the feat of creating -with the power of their will and through incessant rituals- a kind of "bridge" that crossed the channel. When the June 3, 1989 the Dalai Lama delivered a mantra in the cathedral of Mexico City, originated with it a powerful impulse that allowed the energy generated in the North of the continent continue their journey South, to meet the chakra of South America that has its center at Machu Picchu. Just 21 years after the reactivation of the Mexican chakra began identical process had begun in the Peruvian chakra.
The consequences of such a momentous event were not long in coming. The increase in the level of consciousness of mankind was of such a consideration, that very soon it began to produce the most unexpected and surprising events. Communist governments in Eastern Europe collapsed almost overnight. They were all despotic and bureaucratic regimes, characterized by their lack of respect for human dignity and by trying to justify their arbitrariness with the fallacy that they were trying to achieve the ideals of socialist ideology. The most amazing about the fall of the communist regimes is that it occurred without the necessity of carrying out long and bloody revolutions, which is admirable if one takes into account that these regimes had a powerful arsenal of war and improved systems of surveillance and repression. The fact that, except in the case of Romania, neither peoples nor authorities have used violence, it is the best proof that these changes occurred as a result of a profound increase of consciousness that led to the comprehension of all the uselessness of dealing to preserve a system of organization, political and economic, whose inability to generate the common good had been fully demonstrated.
Of course, the fall of communist regimes was erroneously valued by many simplistic-minded analysts. In his view, this constituted a crushing and definitive triumph of capitalism over socialism. Those who opined so did not take into account that the collapse of the communist governments was not the product of a confrontation with the capitalist regimes, as it would have been in the case of a war, but was the result of an internal disintegration, As has already been said, as a result of a change in the level of consciousness that allowed the inhabitants of Eastern European countries to simultaneously reach a determination not to tolerate for a longer period the existence of their despotic and inept governments.
The aforementioned linear vision analysts have also taken as a definitive conclusion that "history is over" and that the future of the human species could be no other than "an endless capitalism". The naivety of such statements reveals a total ignorance of the true causes that determine historical events. The present capitalism, like marxist communism, is only a simple product of its time and is called to perish with it. The ideologies that support both capitalism and communism were generated in the Human Stage of Western culture. When this culture acquired a world-wide relevance, these ideologies were widely spread by all the planet. Once the synchronization of the different cultures began to occur in their corresponding Herd Stage, this made that the societies of all cultures seek to organize their own human herds, taking as a model any of the two fashion systems until, finally, the whole world was divided into capitalism and communism. The fact that the second has collapsed before the first is no proof that it will prevail forever; Only reveals a greater capacity for adaptation of the capitalist system, but this is something purely transitory and can not go beyond the stages of flock. Once the predominance of the holy stages becomes unquestionable, new forms of socio-political and economic organization will arise everywhere, forms of which we can not even imagine their characteristics, but which will certainly be far superior to the present ones, for they will not be centered on materialism and on the desire for domination and exploitation of everything that exists - first of all, starting with our own neighbour - that prevails in today's productive and governing systems
How long will it take for this to happen? As with all cosmic and biological processes, the transition to which we refer will be gradual. In fact it has already begun to take place, whether we take as a starting point on March 21, 1948 (beginning of the Aquarian Age) or on October 2, 1968 (the date when initiated the reactivation of the chakras of the Earth). Based on what has been happening from these dates, we can justifiably assume that the process of emergence of the Sacred stage continues in ever more accelerated way, so it will be throughout the XXI century when the process already started will configure organizations, lifestyles and institutions that will gradually will transform the face of the Earth and the consciousness of the human species. Our planet will no longer be a harassed and sickly being, but a renewed and vigorous inhabitant of sidereal spaces, with new and important tasks to perform within the solar system to which it belongs. Humanity will undergo a genuine mutation that will allow you to begin to feel, think and act, as the unified being that it is. All ideological, nationalist or religious "isms" will radically diminish their importance, allowing the determining criterion for regulating the behavior of the species to be its well-being as a whole.
Now, this radical transformation that will allow human beings to overcome their present individual and group consciousness by an authentic planetary consciousness is precisely the central and determining characteristic of the times to come. That is, it is not only a question of dealing with the current environmental problems with a purely pragmatic and rationalistic criterion, but of acquiring a new spiritual dimension - the planetary dimension as a species - that allows to overcome for ever the unconscious selfishness that underlies the root of these problems. And this is something that can only be achieved through a genuine sacralization of all human activities.
This process of recovery of the sacred in the daily life that will constitute the central characteristic of the XXI century requires a previous work of synthesis of the different sacred traditions of humanity, being just this work of synthesis that currently needs the most attention because It is not a question, as unfortunately is often the case, of making a simple mishmash of concepts and practices of different religions and spiritual movements, but of carrying out a true fusion of the essential of the sacred traditions of all time; A not simple mission that can only be conducted by authentic masters and requires that all those who wish to participate in it have achieved a notorious enlargement of consciousness through unceasing efforts.
To conclude, I believe that the analysis of the signs of the times can clearly indicate which behaviors are in line with the forces that are building the future and which are the attitudes that try to perpetuate a past called to disappear. All that entails a vision that does not go beyond the material, which seeks to perpetrate injustices in human relations and accelerate the systematic destruction of the planet, constitutes a heavy burden in the inheritance of humanity that it will have to get rid of as soon as possible. In the same way, it will have to decrease substantially the fanaticism and sectarianism of any kind, because along with the previous negative characteristics these behaviors are those that prevent the full access to a New Era. On the contrary, what has to do with the creation of a superior spirituality, ecumenical and planetary, constitutes the fundamental cosmic impulse called to radically transform the face of the Earth. Let us collaborate in a conscious and enthusiastic way to the early crystallization of this process.