6 Earthly and Celestial Inner Circles

Once again it is necessary to remember that the processes of reactivation of the earth chakras and the gestation of new cultures are not mechanical events but require titanic fully conscious efforts whose realization would be quite impossible for ordinary human beings. Who are then the ones who carry out these tasks, which benefits not only humanity but the planet itself? The sacred traditions of all time tell us that this kind of work can be carried out to the existence of internal Earthly and Celestial Circles. Belong to the first all those human beings who reach in life an exceptional spiritual development, which gives them a wisdom and a series of faculties that do not possess the rest of the mortals. The greater or less importance that these members have within these circles is determined by the degree and intensity of the connection that they achieve to establish with those who, in turn, form the Celestial Circles, that is, beings that are neither material nor which constitute a hierarchy in which the cusp is God, the Divinity, the Unnameable or any other name used to designate, according to the different traditions, to who constitutes the origin, cause and sustenance of all that exists.
Knowing that the present theme is particularly mysterious and that what is said about it will always be very limited and relative, let us try at least to formulate an outline of classification of the members of both circles.
With regard to Inner Earthly Circles, these could be divided into four. In the first place they would be "the guardians", that is to say the men and women who are in charge of the custody of very different sacred legacies. In some cases it is the custody of the sacred sites of the Earth ("nadis") and in others of the knowledge corresponding to a certain tradition or culture. Thus, for example, there are guardians of very different degrees in any culture (Zapotec, Arabic, Quechua, Western, etc.), even though many have already disappeared or are in their final stages. In the same way there are guardians of the different sacred traditions (Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, etc.) that may or may not belong to the different external institutions that at one point were created by these traditions. Such would be the case of the present Templars (who are apparently only five individuals) who constitute one of the Internal Circles of the guardians of christendom.
The importance of the different functions performed by the guardians is decisive for the preservation of civilization and the very existence of humanity. Were it not for them, the forces of barbarism and destruction, which are always present and active, would sweep away in a very short time with all manifestation of authentic culture and would lead their thirst for extermination to the extinction of any form of life on the planet.
The second Internal Earthly Circle would be integrated by what in the christian tradition is known as "saints", which of course have their equivalent in any other tradition. These are beings who have made important progress in transcending the ego and overcoming the defects inherent in the ordinary human condition. Attributes such as generosity, love of neighbor and lack of common material longings are almost always distinctive in men and women who have reached the level of awareness that singles out the members of this circle, but certainly the most outstanding characteristic of all of them are an everyday connection with the sacred, or the possibility of maintaining a more or less permanent union between his being and the divine.
Contrary to what happens with the guardians, in the case of the saints it is not so easy to determine the biological function they play within the organism of humanity. It seems that the answer to this question can not be found with a purely terrestrial point of view, so it is necessary to approach the question with a cosmic vision. The saints are "the soul of the Earth" and it is thanks to their existence that a series of cosmic influences can be harnessed or neutralized (depending on the case) that strengthen or delay the spiritual advance of the human species. This is why in some traditions they are compared with "lightning rods that absorb the celestial discharges" (astrologers would call such discharges "negative planetary aspects").
In any case, the undeniable existence of human beings who at all times have succeeded in attaining holiness constitutes irrefutable proof that ordinary human nature can be transcended and become something altogether superior to a simple and destructive prey animal. On the other hand, there are a whole series of tangible benefits resulting from the existence of the saints. A large number of institutions, both charitable and cultural (hospitals, universities, etc.) have been created either by they or by people who acted by the example and inspiration that these beings generate and which lasts long after their physical disappearance
The third circle of this class corresponds to the masters or High Initiates. They constitute the authentic "spirit of the Earth". Their true function and the way they perform it are a mystery to most people; However, it is evident the transcendental importance that they play in the evolution not only of humanity, but in everything that concerns the task of achieving a progressive expansion of consciousness of the planet and of everything in it.
The lack of knowledge of the real way of being of the High Initiates explains the ease with which countless false masters and simple mad can profit by abusing the good faith of the people. It seems that the work done by the fraudsters and the lunatic has a positive aspect (which certainly does not justify its predominant negative aspect). Often, thanks to them, one learns to distinguish the true from the false.
There is a question in which all traditions coincide and is to point out that it is up to the masters to perform the most sacred rituals, those that transcend the form of a particular tradition or culture and allow a direct connection between the terrestrial and the celestial ones. It is these kinds of rituals that make the planet to continue its expansion of consciousness and evolution. The knowledge of when, how and where to practice these rituals requires deep consciousness of sacred geography. The capacity to carry them out, in turn, requires a personal quality of vibration to such a degree that it can not only be attuned to the vibrations emanating from the sacred centers, but also to channel these towards specific ends, in the form of everything similar to the Engineers who construct dams and irrigation canals for a better use of water.
Finally exist the fourth and most secret of the Internal Circles, which integrates those who constitute the Spiritual Government of Humanity and the Planet. Really, almost nothing can be known with certainty about this circle. At least its existence is beyond doubt, for it is a fact that has always been recognized by the masters of all times and places. It is precisely the few statements made about this by masters themselfs which allow us to have a slight glimpse on this subject. Apparently, the veil that covers those who form this circle is totally impenetrable, for not even the teachers themselves know their names or their faces, nor have any way of communicating with them, but must wait for these beings who, when they deem it convenient, give them certain orders or indications, using unconventional procedures: dreams, telepathy and all kinds of prodigious signals in the elements, such as repetitive signals in clouds or fire.
This impenetrable anonymity which conceals the true rulers of mankind has saved them from any attempt of aggression by part of the countless savages that exist in the biological specie they attempt to civilize. On the other hand, it is also an absolute guarantee that in this case there can be no usurpations or false leadership, since it is enough that any person flaunt as a supposed member of this circle to have complete assurance that he is not. Those who truly acomplish the difficult task of leading the evolution of the planet do not boast about it, nor do they seek honors or privileges. Apparently, the components of this circle either appear to be ordinary people who perform modest activities, or remain in a strange state of "suspension."
Where do they come from and where are they formed who will guide the faltering steps of the human species? Everything seems to indicate that they are always the best elements of the third circle that at a certain moment come to integrate the fourth. This would explain why some masters, after many years of active public life, suddenly disappear without leaving behind any trace that allows them to locate or even know if they are still alive. In the same way, the question at hand provides us a clue to unravel the mystery contained in the legends that narrate the existence of higher beings that remain in a kind of dream intermediate between life and death, from which they continue working in benefict of all humankind. If so, this would mean that the most prominent members of the main inner circle probably no longer live in the midst of the anonymity of the multitude, but from the hidden hiding places in which their bodies were deposited, they project high vibrations tending to the gradual enlargement of consciousness of all that exists.
Investigating the very few references that exist during the different epochs about the most secret of Circles of Humanity, we can know at least a few data about the number, race and sex of its members. As for number, this is always invariable: there are 13 beings that make up the spiritual government of this planet. Each race (red, white, black and yellow) has three representatives in that government; The thirteenth does not belong to any specific race, but represents the different groups that through mestizaje will give rise to the fifth race. Following certain very long cosmic cycles, the circle is composed of seven people of one sex and six of the other. n the previous cycle, which began about 5 thousand years ago, the circle was composed of seven men and six women; In the current cycle that recently begins (starting from the year 1968) and which also lasts approximately 5 thousand years, the spiritual government of the world is constituted by a circle of six men and seven women. So let's not surpise if matriarchy is back in fashion
If Earthly Inner Circles is a mysterious and in extreme difficult topic, much more these epitthes are applicable as regards the Celestial Circles. However, the sacred traditions of all ages have tried to unravel some important aspects of this important question. That is, they have endeavored to try to integrate a coherent and comprehensible system that explains, to the extent possible, the way in which different beings of an immaterial character operate and manifest themselves, whose level of consciousness is far above that of the Humans. The theologies of the different religions always contain, as one of their most important chapters, a worldview intended to try to explain what concerns these beings. Such is the case, to cite just a few examples, of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. As far as the latter is concerned, the angelologies or classifications of the beings that make up the celestial court (angels, cherubs, archangels, thrones, dominations, etc.) are well known, developed according to the visions of the mystics of the Middle Ages European. The same happened with the ancient Mexican religions, whose main codices denote a special effort to explain, with the greatest possible thoroughness, the attributes and characteristics possessed by those celestial beings that exert a certain influence on what happens on earth.
Attempt to transcribe any of the complex classifications elaborated around the Celestial Circles made by the various religions would far exceed the purposes of this work, especially that it would require, in order to achieve an adequate understanding of the different worldviews in this respect, to enter into a detailed analysis of the same. Thus, we will specify only some aspects in which there is a complete coincidence between all the traditions. One of them is that of the close connection that exists between the material plane in which we are and the spiritual or immaterial plane in which the members of these circles live. In fact there is no radical distance between the two planes, but these subsist simultaneously, differentiating exclusively by something that could be described as a different frequency or vibrational quality, it being precisely this intimate linkage that allows a communication between the human and the sacred, which is something natural and almost permanent for those who are part of the Internal Earthly Circles and something exceptional - but by no means impossible - for the rest of the mortals. Ultimately, the fundamental purpose of the rituals of all times has always been to establish a communication between both planes, the terrestrial and the celestial.
There is also another question in which there is full coincidence between all the traditions in regard to the Celestial Circles and is the relative one to the hierarchical structure that prevails in these. This means that the beings that integrate these circles occupy a certain place in a scale according to the degree of spirituality that each one of them has managed to reach, being of that place in the scale from which they derive both the attributions and powers that they possess, The functions they perform.
Thus, for example, the christian tradition considers that the saints do not conclude their beneficent work in favor of their fellow men by dying, but on the contrary, it increases and potentiates when these beings pass to a better life; That is why there are holy patrons of a particular nation or of a specific guild. In the same way, angels exist that fulfill very concrete functions; On the other hand, the attributions and responsibilities attributed to the archangels are already much greater and of a character which we could call universal. All this indicates to us that the level that they occupy within the Celestial Circles these three classes of beings (saints, angels and archangels) is determined by their greater or less responsibility.
The only possible conclusion we could draw from this minimal approximation to the complex question of Earthly and Celestial Circles is that their form and functioning reflect more than anything else the existence of a cosmic order.