4 Historical cycles

In sacred traditions it has always been considered that both peoples, nations, races and cultures, as well as humanity itself, are organisms subject to the cycles of living beings. In the same way, these traditions have tried to specify which cycles are generated as a consequence of the process of the internal development of each one of these beings, and which are the result of the interaction that different energies exert on them, which are in turn the product of a great diversity of cosmic cycles. This last purpose - to determine the cosmic energies that converge at a certain moment on the human beings - is the one that has given origin to the astrological knowledge that in very varied levels have reached the cultures of all the times.
European astrology, heir of the knowledge on this issue developed by Chaldeans, Persians and Arabs, has among its main achievements the development of what is commonly known as the Zodiac, e classification of the most important influences, from the cosmos, into 12 signs or constellations that year after year alternately dominate our planet. As well as there is an annual Zodiac, also exists another covering a much longer cycle because the duration of the influences of each of the different signs comprises periods of about 2 thousand years which are given the name "ages".
The sign of Pisces belongs to the element water and its rulers are Jupiter and Neptune, which favors emotion, intuition and inspiration. It is in these influences that we can find the cause of a religiosity based on faith above reason, as well as a very frequent divorce between science and religion. Those who took advantage of the positive tendencies that this was propitiated reached high goals in the fields of art and mysticism. Those who were attuned to the negative aspects of Pisces adopted fanatic and sectarian behaviors, the same in religion as in politics. The sign of Aquarius belongs to the element Air and its rulers are Saturn and Uranus, a situation that facilitates the development of rational and logical intelligence, inventiveness and science, as well as the libertarian strivings of all kinds. Despite the few years that this era has to have begun
Despite the few years of this era that has been initiated, we can already indicate many of the current events, as well as several of the characteristics that singularize to our times, as a result of the Aquarian influences.
The above considerations are referred to a historical cycle derived from a cosmic cycle; now we mention two historical cycles resulting from internal development process that is generated in the chakras and cultures. [1]
When the members of the Inner Circles of Humanity are able to reactivate an Earth chakra (which is an extremely arduous task, based on a deep knowledge of the cosmic laws), they begin the historical cycle corresponding to the period in which the chakra Will remain active and functioning-
When the members of the Inner Circles of Humanity achieve reactivate an Earth chakra (which is an extremely arduous task, based on a deep knowledge of the cosmic laws), they begin the historical cycle corresponding to the period in which the chakra will remain active and functioning. It is very difficult to try to specify the exact duration of this type of cycles since this varies in each chakra and in each reactivation. However, it is relatively easy to see - through an adequate analysis of historical events - that whenever the reactivation of a planetary chakra is achieved, it is possible for four cultures to be born and flourish. The tonic, identity and differences between these four cultures will be given by what in the hermetic tradition is known as the four key words: Shut up, to know, to love and to dare.
Shut up: the powerful tool used by members of the inner circles of humanity to start the reactivation of a chakra is silence. This causes the first culture that arises as a result of the use of energy generated by the chakra is considered then as an enigmatic and mysterious culture. These cultures are always key factors in history, because with them begins a long process of cultural development, in which they play the role of "mother" cultures and archetypal models. Examples of these cultures are the Olmec in Mexico, the Minoan in Europe, the Chavin in Peru and the Sumerian in Sumeria.
To know: at a certain moment, which is variable in each chakra, a second culture arises whose obvious and characteristic tonic is knowledge, that is, that its members are possessed of a special obsession to unveil all the enigmas and as a result they develop an incredible ability to deepen the knowledge of the most varied issues. Examples of these cultures are the Maya in Mexico, the Greek in Europe, the Nazca in Peru and the Chaldean in Sumeria.
To love: the third culture that flourishes in an active chakra is always one that makes love the central axis of all its activities. It is, of course, a very high love, which begins with trying to reach a divine love and then embraces everything that exists, from the stars to animals and plants. The concretization in practice of this love is translated, among other manifestations, in the creation of a highly effective medicine, important achievement of all the cultures of this sign. Examples of these cultures are the Zapotec in Mexico, the Byzantine in Europe, the Mochica in Peru and the Persian in Sumeria.
To dare: The cycle of activities of a chakra closes with the flowering of a culture whose members dare to control, to order and organize all the energies that exist in the Universe. Examples of these cultures are Nahuatl in Mexico, Western in Europe, Quechua in Peru, and Arabic in Sumeria. [2]
Once exposed very briefly the cycle of chakras, let's move on now to the cycle cultures. In almost all sacred traditions its mentioned that there are four stages or ages in what refers to the emergence, growth, decay and death of any culture. In several of these traditions the terms of ages of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron to designate the four different stages that crosses all cultures are used. Other authors prefer the terms of Sacred, Heroic, Human and Herd to identify those stages. Let's see what the essential features of each of the stages in the cycle of cultures are.
Sacred Stage: During its development, a spiritual elevation of such a degree is reached that a high percentage of human beings become, to some extent, conscious collaborators of God in the work of the creation and redemption of the Universe, or more precisely, they participate In the task of achieving an expansion of cosmic consciousness. All activities carried out at this stage are sacralized and ritualized, not only the solemn ceremonies but even the simplest daily activities, such as building a hut, planting, preparing and eating food. Centuries later, members of other stages of the same culture will no longer be able to comprehend what happened in the Sacred Stage and call it "obscurantist." The cause of this is not that the sacred stages are "dark" -but on the contrary they are precisely the most "luminous" -, but those who did not live in them can not "see" what occurred in them and so they qualify as such.
Heroic Stage: although during its development the human beings no longer have the capacity to assist in the expansion of cosmic consciousness, a large number of members of these stages remain harmonized with that awareness through a great internal discipline It leads to full control of themselves and the creation of a system based on respect for natural law order. They are conducive to the emergence of theocratic-military orders times.
Human Stage: is one in which its members begin to violate the natural laws widespread, guided by ideals of intellectual type entirely disconnected from reality. At this stage it is very common implementation of human sacrifices-even if not always qualify as such-, meaning depriving them of life to a similar based on concepts that have nothing to do with reality and that in the most cases are derived from the deformation of religious or political beliefs.
Herd stage: is one in which its members act only seeking the satisfaction of their basic instincts. ideologies are abandoned and humans massify and reifed. There is an increasing destruction of the environment. Based on the concepts of historical cycles have been developing, we try now to deepen the understanding of the essential characteristics of our time
[1] Obviously, there is no intention to make an exposition of all historical cycles, only a few examples that help in achieving the goal addressed at the beginning of this work: To help a better understanding of the essential characteristics of our time.
[2] Cultures centered on the Silence, Knowledge, Love and Dare have emerged and flourished also in the Egyptian, Chinese and Indo-Tibetan chakras. In these cases, although the identification and location of these cultures is an easy task, however it is not, to find an adequate term to designate them, because the historians have not used specific names to differentiate each of the four cultures of these chakras, preferring instead to elaborate a system of classification of the events occurred in those places with a base and superficial facts, as for example of the dynasties that happened in China and in Egypt, or making a chaotic presentation of the events that have taken place in the Indo-Tibetan chakra.