1 Eurocentric vision and planetary vision of History

"The Universal History is divided into Ancient Age, Middle Age, Modern Age and Contemporary Age." The above statement, inculcated year after year as final dogma in the receptive minds of millions of children, is one of the most heinous and conceited schemes that could never have conceived. Even assuming that this classification is not intended to explain the history of the entire universe, but only the human beings who inhabit a small planet in the vast cosmos, it is clear that the content of this scheme in no way covers the history of the humanity, but refers exclusively to the events that have taken place in, at most, half a dozen European countries, where such events to which it is intended to pass off as "universal history."
The fall of Tula and the subsequent Toltec migration to Yucatan, the invasion of China by the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan, or the creation of the Inca empire, can be classified as "medieval" events by the mere fact of having occurred the same years in which prevailing feudalism in Europe? These events, like many other countless events, determined the fate of very different peoples, races, actions, empires, cultures and religions, can no longer be understood and valued, or even adequately classified, if we use the absurd scheme that seeks to give a character of "universal" to what is only the history of Europe, because this is only an Earth chakra and there are six others, holders of equal importance.
In contrast to the petty vision of describing Europe as the sole center of history, there is a much more appropriate one conceiving humanity as a whole and paying similar attention to the development of the high cultures that have occurred at different times and places. According to the postulates of this view, the history of human beings develops closely linked with that of the planet in which they inhabit, which is considered not as inert and passive, but as a living and conscious being subject to cycles identical to those of any other organism, such as This is precisely the worldview that has always existed in the periods of maximum splendor of all cultures; Let us remember only the insuperable example that for these effects gives us the Mayan culture, whose stelae, codices and traditions contain at the same time a profound teaching on the evolution of the human species and a detailed analysis of the different effects that are generated in beings Humans - and in the organism of the Earth - as a result of the different energies that come to it from all directions of the Universe. Visualizations similar to the Maya are contained in some Hindu and Tibetan mandalas. Finally, it is no coincidence that a large group of ecologists - including prominent scientists - are now proposing as a measure to combat the growing deterioration of the environment to return to the ancient Greek concept according to which our planet is A living and sacred being (Gaia).activity and rest, health and illness, life and death.
This is precisely the worldview that has always existed in the periods of maximum splendor of all cultures; Let us remember only the insuperable example that for these effects gives us the Mayan culture, whose stelae, codices and traditions contain at the same time a profound teaching on the evolution of the human species and a detailed analysis of the different effects that are generated in beings Humans - and in the organism of the Earth - as a result of the different energies that come to it from all directions of the Universe. Visualizations similar to the Maya are contained in some Hindu and Tibetan mandalas. Finally, it is no coincidence that a large group of ecologists - including prominent scientists - are now proposing as a measure to combat the growing deterioration of the environment to return to the ancient Greek concept according to which our planet is A living and sacred being (Gaia).
Overcoming the Eurocentric vision of history to reach another planetary scope requires a previous approach to the theme of the chakras of the Earth.