Earth is a living being. The pretense of atrophying the circulation in one of its arteries, represents a serious danger for the good functioning of its organism.
In the stages of most splendor, all the cultures that have flourished throughout History, deepened the knowledge of the anatomy of the planet, locating on it the  equivalent to what are the arteries in the human body and concluded that the fact that both animal species and large contingents of human beings are driven to travel through the same circuits that constitute the arteries of the planet fulfills a dual purpose: for the Earth to generate a better circulation of the energies that they travel through it, strengthening it and raising their level of consciousness: and for animals and humans, establish connection with the telluric energies, from which will derive many different consequences, depending on how they establish their contact with the aforementioned energies. As far as human beings are concerned, their mobilizations will be described as invasions, migrations or pilgrimages.
Invaders are the human contingents advancing looting and destroying everything in their path, then turn around and return to where they left. Migrants are those who move from one place to another where they remain permanently settled. Pilgrims are those who carry out ritual walks with a spiritual purpose. At the end of their walk they may choose to return to the place from which they came or stay where they arrived.
In the body of the Earth there are several arteries. In all there have been and continue to occur invasions, migrations and pilgrimages. In this Manifesto we will mention only some of the events of this kind that have taken place in the artery through the connecting Europe with Asia and in the artery of the northern part of the Americas going from Canada to Central America.
The mobilization of large numbers of well-documented human beings is historically happened in Europe in the V sigils and VI AD who lived in the confines of the Roman Empire they described this event as "Invasion of the Barbarians" and so happened to annals of the history of the Latin peoples. the members of the various Germanic groups called it "Migration of peoples" and that's horn is known in historical texts of these peoples.
Both names are correct. The mobilization of the Vandals and Huns were invasions that destroyed completely the social, cultural, economic and political structure of the Roman Empire. The mobilizations of the Germanic peoples were migrations that led them to find areas where settle to participate in the birth of a new culture. "Occidental" and the creation of many of the nations of Europe.
With regard to pilgrimages, which are the the ones that generate the greatest benefits to the organism of the Earth and the expansion of consciousness of human beings, the so-called "Road to Santiago" whose ramifications extend across much of Europe has been traveled and remains so for countless pilgrims from around the world.
As it regards the northern part of the American continent also an important artery, through its branches spread vital energies from Canada to Central America. Over the millennia, this artery has not ceased to be traveled by invasions, migrations and pilgrimages from North to South and South to North, which have influenced in a decisive way in the future of the high cultures that arose in the region that historians denominated Mesoamerica and that covers good part of Mexico and Central America.
Trying to relate what happened in each of these events, far exceeds the purpose of this Manifesto so we will mention just a few references to it.
The destruction of the great spiritual cultural center of Teotihuacán was the result of an invasion of nomads from the North, but its inheritance did not disappear, but was retaken by Nahuatl migrants and pilgrims who founded Tula and started another stage of great splendor. The foundation of Tenochtitlan is the culmination of the pilgrimage of the Aztecs. The insurgency that begins Don Miguel Hidalgo, raising an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, very soon becomes a pilgrimage from South to North that is the one that would allow the nation that will arise at the end of the insurgency, is based on the Solid foundation that can only give an ancient spiritual and cultural heritage.
The destruction of the great spiritual cultural center of Teotihuacán was the result of an invasion of nomads from the North, but its inheritance did not disappear, but was retaken by Nahuatl migrants and pilgrims who founded Tula and started another stage of great splendor. The foundation of Tenochtitlan is the culmination of the pilgrimage of the Aztecs.The insurgency that began Don Miguel Hidalgo, raising an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, very soon becomes a pilgrimage from South to North that is the one that would allow the nation that will arise at the end of the insurgency, be based on the solid foundations that can only be given by an ancient spiritual and cultural heritage.
At present, an extremely ignorant subject of recent ascent to the presidency of the United States, intends the construction of a wall along the more than three thousand kilometers that constitute the border between Mexico the United States, which to begin with would affect biological diversity in a large border region between the two countries, by preventing the genetic exchange of several species of plants and animals, but the most serious is that it would block to a high degree the influx of the growing human migratory flow of South to North that has been occurring for more than a century, which affects the circulation of energy lines in an important artery of the Earth, damaging its organism and hindering the process of expanding the consciousness of both the planet and the beings that In it they inhabit, including, of course, that of humanity, just when it crosses by an authentic mutation, by a transcendental stage of evolution which, in case of reach to a successful conclusion, will allow it to accede for the first time to the possession of a planetary consciousness and begin to feel, think and act, as the unified being that it is.
Of course, the current arrogant president of the United States is unaware that there is nothing that can prevent these mobilizations from taking place. Attempts to achieve this by erecting large walls have always failed. The best example of this is the China wall, an extraordinary engineering feat, but that not stoped the invasions of the Mongols and caused damage to the ecology of a vast area transforming it into a desert.
What instead can be done is to generate a change in the invasions and migrations, turning them into pilgrimages and for this the most indicated way is to use the same means used to prevent these mobilizations, which in this case is the construction of a wall with which aims to prevent the free movement of people and goods between the two countries.
How to get that that wall of ignominy collapse just as happened with the one of Berlin? The answer is very simple. Transforming it into a gigantic mural painted on the same wall of the mexican side that contains a message that promotes an elevation of consciousness on both sides of the border. The purpose of the wall is to create a separation and is the product of feelings of fear and hate. The purpose of the mural would be to achieve a closer collaboration between the inhabitants of the two countries, based on love and fraternity.
The true artists have always found the way to support with their works the most noble and elevated causes of their time. On this occasion it would touch to the painters the task of making the mural, drawing there the great spiritual guides of humanity, as well as the most outstanding artistic and architectural works of all time, in which human beings have manifested their love for the divine and to their fellows, such as the Taj Mahal, or the murals of the Sistine Chapel and innumerable ceremonial centers spread all over the Earth.
The logistics of the participation of the painters would be first initiated by Mexicans, Central Americans, North Americans and Canadians, because their nations were the first to be affected by the construction of the wall. Then the call to collaborate in this work would be extended to the painters all over the world. If the Mexican government does not provide any financial support for the realization of the mural, which is very probable, this will be done by organizations and people who would be responsible for doing so, realizing that the intended division with the construction of the wall is an aberration that would lead to fatal consequences.
From the Planetary Movement of 1968 began a process of mutation of human consciousness, which is allowing to realize that we are closely linked to everything that exists in the Universe. That is why the call to collaborate in many different ways in the mural willhave an echo in all those people who are already aware that the Earth is a living being and that is best contribute to a better circulation of the energies that run through its body, and that in regard to the epoch and the northern part of the American Continent,   the way to chieve this it is that the migration now is occurring from South to North be increased to end up becoming a pilgrimage.
The Mexican and Central American migrants are going through a real calvary along the way to the United States. They are exacted by the Mexican government's immigration authorities and assaulted and killed by gangs of criminals. Many die drowned in the Rio Grande or perish thirsty when crossing the desert. The border patrol (La Migra) pursues them to imprison and deporteing them. Armed groups of civilians are engaged in practicing target shooting on them.
In contrast to all this kind of negative behaviors, many individuals and institutions dedicated to providing assistance and protection to migrants on both sides of the border: by giving them food, clothing, and money, providing hospitality and shelter in their homes, connecting with those who can give them a job in very different tasks.
This contrasting polarity of attitudes to the event of migration has created an environment quite similar to that which prevailed at certain times along the route followed by pilgrims from Europe to the Holy Land.
In order to finish the conversion of the current migration in a pilgrimage, only a trigger is required and this can be, without a doubt. the realization of a mural of more than three thousand kilometers, containing a message of love and the highest spirituality.
The verification of having achieved the purpose of preventing the blockade of the circulation in an important artery of the planet, would be that the day after the conclusion of the wall and the mural, similar to what happened on the Berlin wall, thousands of people located on both sides of the pharaonic construction, proceeded in a peaceful way to demolish it in the midst of a great celebration.
Those who participated in this celebration could take home a small piece of the mural wall, as a reminder of having witnessed an event that will become part of the annals of: The Sacred History of Humanity.
Sacred Forest of Chapultepec. Mexico City. January 21, 2017
Antonio Velasco Piña
Versión original en castellano